Therapy dolls!

Hello old blog! It’s been so long I’ve almost forgotten about you but I wanted to do a post about my most recent foray into doll making- the pediatric physical therapy doll!

This was a custom order from a friend of a friend, someone looking for a doll she could use in her work as a pediatric physical therapist as a tool for teaching proper stretching techniques and other strengthening exercises. She gave me the necessary dimensions and asked if I could come up with a pattern to suit. I gave it my best shot and was pretty pleased with the results. She promptly ordered two (a boy and a girl) and asked for some business cards to hand out to friends. I’m hoping for more orders in this genre because they were so much fun!

The major differences between these dolls and others I have done are basically the size (these are much larger than anything I have ever attempted- 25 inches!) and the face that they have sewn in joints for movement and flexibility.

Did to their size, these dolls required a lot of stuffing and have a satisfying sturdy weight to them. They are very sturdy dolls which I imagine will be necessary for the work they are going on to perform.

Here’s a picture with my daughter to show just how large they are.

It’s exciting to have a purpose for a doll, other than simply a plaything. I’m happy to think of the use these dollies will get and hope they are truly helpful. Please check out my shop link in the side bar if you are interested in one of these unique dolls and message me for details! I’m happy to do custom work!

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