Working on a wardrobe

So fashion has never really been my thing. I’m really bad at keeping up with the latest trends, and even worse at actually going shopping to buy them. If you have followed this blog at all, you know that I prefer to make my own clothes, both because I enjoy it and because it is harder and harder for me to find things that will work with my constantly evolving body shape. And when I find a pattern I like, or that works, I usually make it and wear it, whether it’s in style or not.
All that to say, even though I’m not particularly good at dressing myself, I have been looking forward for a long time to dressing my baby girl. But having been inundated with baby clothes before she was even born, I haven’t really needed to get or make her anything yet.

However, I was cleaning out her 0-3 month clothes the other day (sniff) and I realized she has next to nothing for this winter. Her closet is full of little white and pink cotton summer dresses that she is quickly outgrowing, but there is hardly a long sleeve to be seen. So I thought it would be fun make her a little fall/winter wardrobe.

I started a pinterest page for baby girl clothing as soon as I found out I was having a girl, and have been slowly adding to it since. One of the things I love about pinterest is that, even if you can’t easily say what styles you like off the top of your head, it’s easy to tell by a quick glance at your pins.
Scrolling down through her page, it was quickly evident what styles appeal to me. Apparently I’m not a big fan of ruffles and frills, but tend to prefer simple straight lines and pleats- and more vintage styles. I like either subdued grays and neutrals, or jewel tones. I like buttons and peter pan collars. And I like wools, velvets and plaids.










Oh. Also boots.



And hats. I really like hats.



Seeing as 3-6 month clothing doesn’t take much in the way of fabric, I figured it was time I upcycle some of my old things, and thus avoid too many trips to the fabric store. I can’t trust myself near fabric stores.
So I pulled out some of my favorite old wool skirts from college days. There is little hope that I will ever fit into them again, but I hate to throw them away. I mean, I was wearing that blue and green plaid when I visited the Louvre for the first time! There are memories in it!

I also have a lot of other clothes and fabric stockpiled for my shop that I might have some fun with- lots of autumn-hued velvets and wools.

And I don’t have a lot of little girl patterns, but I usually just fall back on these vintage ones as a guide, and make alterations as I go.

So now that I feel inspired, all I need to do is find some time! If I actually succeed with any of these ideas, I’ll let you know. What are your little girls wearing this fall?


Well loyal readers, I hope my long absence is excusable. We’ve had quite a lot going on around here. But today is quiet and rainy. The visiting family has departed (sniff). And here I sit to start life again with my five children. Five! And one of them a female!
I admit, I was skeptical up until the moment when she was born, and the first words out of my mouth when they plopped her on my chest were, “Is she really a girl?” But Caroline Marguerite is here in the flesh, and we are all, despite a little fatigue, very well and happy.
I’m not sure what we would have done if she had been a boy, since the amount of pink pouring into our house lately has been, well, a little over the top. Grandma, aunties and daddy started buying fluffy dresses-

My boys, with a little help, sent me flowers in the hospital-

And grandma brought another stunning hand made quilt-


I always wonder how the other children will react to a new baby in the house. I wasn’t really worried about my big boys this time around, nor should I have. They are totally smitten.



But I was a little concerned with the three year old. He has ruled the roost around here for a long time, and when he wouldn’t even look at me in the hospital, I thought we were in for trouble. But he is warming up to her.


And I think they will all be just fine with a little sister.

And then there is Caroline herself. I’ll try not to bore you all with too many pictures, but I have to put up a few, because of course she is the most beautiful baby ever born. Particularly when she is sleeping-



But even more so when she is awake.


We are grateful for all your well-wishes, prayers and sweet gifts, and we are grateful to our good God for entrusting this little life to us!